
Injection lipolysis is a non-surgical procedure that removes unwanted and stubborn fat from the face, chin, or body. Ideally, the smaller pockets of fat on the designated body parts can be targeted. You might make a great candidate if you have fatty tissues on your hips, abdomen, buttocks, or thighs.

If you’re interested in lipolysis, speak with a representative from Avoria aesthetic clinic about your objectives. We will walk you through your individual benefits and risks

What is Lipolysis treatment

Lipolysis is a cosmetic procedure that involves the breakdown of fats or lipids in the body in order to remove unwanted fat tissue. These include the knees, chin, upper arms, hips, thighs, abdomen, and chin.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is not a candidate for injection Lipolysis?

This treatment is not suitable for children or adolescents, breastfeeding mothers or pregnant women, or patients suffering from severe or rare diseases.

What are the Side effects of lipolysis?

Slight swelling and sensitivity to pressure, as well as reddening and/or itching, may occur immediately after treatment and can last for up to 2 to 4 days.

Does it hurt?

Because there are only a few nerve fibres in the subcutaneous tissue, the injections are not painful. For the first two hours, patients will only feel a slight prick and a burning and itching sensation.

How many treatments are necessary?

Generally, 2-4 treatments at 8-week intervals.

Which area can be treated with non-surgical lipolysis?

This treatment is effective in treating all areas of the body where fat can be stored. Non-surgical liposuction is most commonly used to treat the belly, waistline, thighs, arms, and under the chin.

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